What is “Pastured Poultry?”

The most common question we get is: “Are your chickens free range?” And it surprises most when we emphatically say No! So what’s the difference? Once our birds are large enough to come out of the warmth of the brooder, we move them every day on to fresh pasture, where they forage in our natural healthy pasture.

This also keeps them very clean. No antibiotics or hormones used. We do use mineral supplements, seaweed, and probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus) in their feed. The birds are processed here at the farm. The advantages are numerous:

Cleanliness: we don't share processing facilities with unknown birds with unknown maladies. We are the owners/eaters of our meat, we care.

Low stress and humane processing: our birds don't get transported off the farm in stressful conditions, they are dispatched in small numbers with the most humane practices known. We have an amazing crew, who cares for the animals and are proud of what we produce.

Freshness: our customers pick-up their birds within a few hours of processing.

All of the above make for a superb eating experience. These are the finest chicken anywhere. Customers are raving about how it’s the best chicken they've ever had!

To learn more about why we choose pastured poultry, visit American Pastured Poultry Producers Association at https://apppa.org/Consumers.

We use the same philosophy for raising our pigs as well. Pasture to root up, along with GMO-free grain and our neighbor’s fresh whey, make for happy pigs!

Stay tuned for more information!

Our Products

Whole Broiler Chickens
Fresh Thanksgiving Turkey
Farm-raised Layers

Whole Pigs
Pork Cuts

Orchard Products
Fresh Pasteurized Apple Cider
Apple Sauce
Blueberry-Apple Sauce

Many of our products are seasonal. To keep updated on what’s available and the happenings on the farm subscribe to our newsletter!

pastured turkeys will be available for the holidays in the fall of 2020!

pastured turkeys will be available for the holidays in the fall of 2020!

Our Cider will be available at retail outlets beginning in late september. Our Granola is only available on the farm or by ordering directly

Our Cider will be available at retail outlets beginning in late september. Our Granola is only available on the farm or by ordering directly

Pork is available at farmers market, from the farm by appointment, and by the whole and half seasonally.

Pork is available at farmers market, from the farm by appointment, and by the whole and half seasonally.

Our Program at a glance…

We start our birds in specially built brooders to keep them warm and dry for the first three weeks of their lives.

We start our birds in specially built brooders to keep them warm and dry for the first three weeks of their lives.

Next, we move them into pens on pasture, where they are moved every day on to fresh grass, ensuring they are eating a rich and healthy diet.

Next, we move them into pens on pasture, where they are moved every day on to fresh grass, ensuring they are eating a rich and healthy diet.

We are always assessing the flock for health and happiness. An Active bird is a healthy one. Gmo-free grain, Fresh pasture, clean spring water, sunshine: that’s what Makes them great.

We are always assessing the flock for health and happiness. An Active bird is a healthy one. Gmo-free grain, Fresh pasture, clean spring water, sunshine: that’s what Makes them great.